Tag Archives: sugar

New She & Him starting soon!


What a day! I have a very poorly kitty.. which means expensive.. I think i cried three times today.. inc nearly in vets.. she is my baby!! .. Hopefully she will be ok.. just tests at the mo.. so we shall see.. feeling the stress that cat is my child! .. my baby meow meow or Jabba the Meow meow .. as i call her haha.. love you Miss Mollie!

anyhow.. on to the fashion, The new round of  She & Him starts in a couple of days!! I love this event, so much cool well made stuff!! Get saving 😀 The LM is closed till the 5th! 😛

Enjoy 😀


Hair: Just a Reason: 9. Extremes Exile @ The Gacha Arcade!
Emily [2]:Sugar: (More tones in store)
Flourished Top EyelashesPink Acid
Polish/Tipped&Dipped/HUD – For Slink Mesh HandsPididdle
Love Hearts – Gold – Maxi Gossamer
Necklace: Twin Hearts – Gold – Maxi Gossamer
Top: Scream & Shout Top Leo Le Forme @ Silcone
Pants: Mocha spiked legging (gold) Modanna @ She & Him (5th Sept!)
Shoes: Platform Pumps with hud! HOC Industries 

Pose: Jessy 5 – Pose Maniacs


Hi all!

I been lucky for a number of reasons.. firstly that i managed to take this pictures before SL made everyone grey and secondly that Saxx got into the gacha event already.. and i got all her extra hairs!! I still need to get in there myself!!

So enjoy! and please check out the post Saxx reblogged before this one its an Inspiration and very brave!


Hair: Giz Type B MoonstoneD!va @ The Gacha Arcade! (Thank you Squishy)
Emily [2] :Sugar: (More tones in store)
Flourished top eyelashesPink Acid
Diva Earrings Forever YoungPerfect Wardrobe
The Mine! Zodiac Necklace -Virgo Sliver.Olive.
Mess rings in sliverUtopiah
 Emi Crooked Top Insight @ FI*Fridays
Harper Shorts [V2] With HudR3volt @ United Fashion Project
Shoes: Helena Redgrave
Pose: Martha 1 Purple Poses @ SL Fashion Week

Tameless Rocker Chic!

Hi all

Nita Bracken, owner/designer of Tameless Hair was nice enough to send some copys of her new hair – so I wanna show you them of course! .. The hair itself comes with a hud and you can have the front and the back different colours.. Very awesome.. and very Rock Chic.. Which leads me on to this awesome dress from Cynful.. which is for the United Fashion Project it comes in varity of colours for you to choose from 🙂 – Lots of Cute stuff at the event make sure you check it out 🙂


Hair: Rayne – Fantasy – Tameless (Demo here)
Skin: Emily [2]:Sugar: 
Eyelashes: Flourished Top eyelashesPink Acid
Make up 1: Sure shocker thick eyeliner in plumVive Nine
Make up 2: Sinful Lips Amor RosaPanda Punx
Tattoo: ImpossibleH i a t u s
Dress: Rocker Chic – EggplantCynful @ United Fashion Project
Shoes: Sassy Studded Heel R3volt

Pose: Purple Poses

Life is like a zebra

“Life is like a zebra. There are whites, and black stripes on it. When you are on a white stripe walk slowly, enjoy it. When you come to a black stripe raise your collar, shut your eyes, and run as fast as you can go to get to a white one. But, remember, there is always a white stripe after a black one!”

P’s It’s my birthday tomorrow!


Hair: Time and Sound Natural Fusion 2 Exile
Skin: Emily [2] – :Sugar: (More tones in store!!)
Glasses: Gabriella glasses Zebra Artilleri
Top: Alondra Blouse Zebra – Color me @ Material Girl
Skirt: Morgan Mini SkirtPixelites @  Black Only Event
Shoe: Prototype v.1 – Zebra Gang/Cold (lots more colors in store!)

And to be cheeky this is my 2nd entry for shoetopia if u like it press it, fave it & tell me what u think.. i get nervous about it cause the other people are amazing then there is just little me trying my best lol – The prop is from my awesome friend Ally (allysondwyer) she made it for me but its now for sell so check out Something New – The shoes are awesome from Gang/Cold 🙂

Shoetopia entry 2 2013 - Skyla Tunwarm

Iam super girl and super girls fly!


Not much going on today.. chill day before i make tomorrow a full on cleaning day and the other half moans.. haha.. but these things have to done – then monday is my birthday 😀 .. anyway boring lol.. how about some cute clothes instead 😛


Hair: BerryJuice LoQ Hair (Marketplace promo 75L$)
Skin: Emily [2] – :Sugar:
Make up: Sure shock eyeliner in black – Vive Nine
Make up:My Everyday Prim Alpha Eye Makeup – Pink Acid
Moles & Freckles: Hiatus
Bracelet: Painted Rustic Bangle [Stars] – Half Deer
Nails: Nails cool with hud – Room of AMO
Top: Super Girl Shirt Black&Pink Rotten Defiance @ The Boobies Show
Pants: Valentine Pants White – Insight @ Fi*Friday
Shoes: Flat barefeet & Flip-Flops N-core

Love is war

Hey all..

Hope you weekend is starting well.. its my birthday weekend my birthday is on monday.. looking forward to good times with Squishy, Ema and others.. with beers haha.. the last time i drank.. was about 3 months ago.. i use to drink alot but i stopped drinking.. as i was drinking too much.. but i can handle special occasions lol.. Saxx only seen me tipsy once.. and apparently i was flirting with her with my eyes.. i dunno about that hahahaha Roll on monday night 😀


Hair: Mint Hud 3 – Magika
Skin: Emily [2] :Sugar:
Make up 1: My Everyday Prim Alpha Eye Makeup & Kawaii Cupcake Lip Gloss & Teeth – Pink Acid
Make up 2: Sure Shocker Thick eyeliner in black – Vive Nine
Make up 3: War Face Paint (Unisex) Modish @ She & Him
Moles & freckles: Hiatus
Necklace 1: Kawaii Clock Pendant pink pig – Luas Urban Style (Thank you Ema)
Necklace 2: Dogtags – Gauged
Goggles: Kawaii Mousey goggles Zebra white – Epic
Dress: First Date Camo CoralCynful @ The Boobies Show
Boots: Strap Boots – Cheeky

Pose: Frozen

Location: The Rat Pit

It is the destiny of mint to be crushed


I wanted to take this pretty picture in this pretty place BUT SL had other ideas and kept crashing me so.. after an hour of fighting i gave up – so just in my studio today and guess what took 2 mins.. but i like to go pretty places 😦 I wont let SL win the war but today it defo won the battle!


Hair: Sarah Reds Wasabi Pills @ Fameshed
Skin: Emily [2] – :Sugar: New
Make up: Kawaii Cupcake Lip Gloss & Teeth & My Everyday Prim Alpha Eye MakeupPink Acid
Eyes: Gem eyes – MintCrash Republic  @ She & Him
Freckles & Moles: Hiatus
Headband:  Kitty Bow Peep Band – Mint/BlackFurPididdle
Bag: Mint Gamer ClutchCrash Republic
Nails: Nail Cutie with Hud Room of AMO
Top:  Gilli Top -Green & White Stripes – Color Me @ Material Girl Bazaar
Pants: Studtud Shorts Moon amore
Shoes: Sportsneaker – grey with hudWhatever @ SL Fashion week

Pose: Prissy 5 Pose+ivity

Everyday is a second chance

Just a quick one today cause i had a busy day.. but i will be back tomorrrowwww!! 🙂


Hair: Mimi D!va
Emily [2] :Sugar: New!
Gabriella glasses PinkArtilleri
Ring 1:
Starry eyed poptart pink icing – Rotten Defiance
Ring 2:
 Poinsettia Rings Pink Spring – Phoebe
Shoulder pet: Yummy Onigiri Pack * White Rivendell
Melissa Shirt Pink – Insight @ fi*fridays
Damaged Denim Skirt w/belt HUDShabby Cat

Location: WarBug Headquarters 

Stay Strong & Dance in the rain.

Is backkkkkkkk!!!!!

Sorry everyone.. I think i burned out some what.. i hurt my shoulder then i got sick.. and i just went a bit low ..  – I couldn’t focus on anything, sleep was really the only thing i could do but today i feeling a lot better.. illness seems to be passing – shoulder is sore but not as bad as it was.. and i’m feeling a lot more positive.. i did to try to put posts together when i wasn’t well.. but i just couldn’t i didn’t like anything.. lol.. its hard work being like that.. I don’t like to talk to anyone when i feel like that.. only cause i know after of years of being like it – i know it will pass it doesn’t happen often but when it does.. it best just to take time out and get my head together again.. i know it will click back into place eventually..

Anyhoo.. with all that in mind.. i thought this post was very fitting 🙂 enjoy!


Hair: Elaine reds Truth
Skin: Emily [2] :Sugar:
Make up: 101 model eye make up Pink Acid
Moles: Hiatus
Nails: Military Hand – Utopiah
Face Piercing: Tsukimi Piercings – Cute Poison @ SL Fashion Week
Necklace: Cutie Bow Necklace – Cherry [tea.s]  SL Fashion Week
Tattoo: Stay Strong –  Hiatus @ The Life of Style 
Dress: Gaga Dress black Miss Canning – @ Material Girl
Shoes: Satin Wrap Heels Black Leverocci 

Pose: De Luxe Set Le poppycock @ She & Him


location: The Trace

Lifes a beach

Hey all
so i’m getting the flu.. and hurt my shoulder/arm with no clue how . .worse pain everrrrrrr srsly any little movement and pain  shoots down my arm… sleeping was the worse not matter what way i laid it hurt like insanely.. I was in tears with tiredness and pain..
Anyhooo i got a couple of ready made blog pictures to do just while i rest.. Bare with me I will catch up in the next couple of days just need some time to feel better… like Saxx Squishy heart.. I feel drained – and will not be taking on anything or anyone right now i dont have the energy.. (saxx knows what i mean) lol


Hair: Gisele Loose bangs / Strawberry LaViere
Skin: Chloe 2 – :Sugar:
Bow:  Kawaii Bow Forever young
Moles: Hiatus
Tounge: Bubbly Tongue Splash Store
Tattoo: Simple heart Skyla 20L$
Ears: Steking ears ver 4 unisexMandala
Ring: Ice cream ring gacha rainbow rarelark
Nails: Summer Breeze NailsShock factory
Top:  Amber Strapless Mesh Tank (Pink) Inclination
Shorts: Bleached White Demin Shorts LRH 1L$
Shoes: Creme Braided Leather Sandals with HUD   Chez GiGi 

Pose: Beach ball fun Nani


Location: Baja Norte