Why Do I Blog Meme

Hello all, I wasn’t planning on blogging today but I think I am becoming addicted to doing these blog memes haha. This blog won’t be about fashion or anything else but specifically for this meme.

I basically wanted to start on clearing out some inventory and spend time with my angelface Daphney so yes that is us down there in the pic below…while completing this meme…here it goes..

Why I blog Meme_002

  1. How long have you been blogging? Since September 2012
  2. Why did you start blogging? I never thought I would become a blogger. I never thought I would be good enough or that I would bore people with my stories because I had seen so many blogs with just the styling notes. There was a point in my sl life where I had everything to gain and then I hit rock bottom. I had nothing, I barely had any friends, but the one thing I was always passionate about was my attire on SL. People were always asking me where I purchased hair, clothes, shoes, and accessories. Then one day my partner in crime asked me how would I like to blog alongside with her, I was scared at first I will admit, and I never knew how to take such great pics but what was lower then the rock bottom I was already at? I asked myself that several times before I said yes to Skyla.
  3. How many times a week do you post an entry? Hmm maybe 3-5 blogs, it all depends on my mood. For some reason I have yet to have lacked any inspiration from blogging.
  4. How many different blogs do you read on a regular basis? Wow, I read tons! Skyla and I have a bloggers group on Facebook and there are about 500 people in the group so I try to read as many as possible alongside from others in other blog groups.
  5. Do you comment on other people’s blogs? You know I used to comment a lot on others blogs, but I kind of stopped that. I realized that a lot of bloggers are a bit stuck up and yes I mean that, I am not here to sugarcoat anything. If I do comment on blogs it will only be on those who actually have a brain to answer any of my questions or acknowledge that I made a comment in the first place.
  6. Do you keep track of how many visitors you have? Yes! Skyla and I discuss that within the week at some point. We have to keep up to see exactly how well we are doing with the blogs we are providing. It isn’t a popularity thing, but we don’t want to be blogging to not have any views.
  7. Did you ever regret a post that you wrote? I have been taught within my life to watch what I say and although it doesn’t always apply, within my blog, I try to refrain from anything that could possibly offend anyone. I do not regret anything I write because most of the time it is how I truly feel and I do not apologize for my views on fashion or whatever I may be blogging on.
  8. Do you think your readers have a true sense of who you are based on your blog? I would hope so lol. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I can either be a really huge mushball or a hard hat from a construction site that won’t allow you to go past a point with me. There is really no in betweens.
  9. Do you blog under your real name? No, I use Saxxy and will continue to use it,
  10. Are there topics that you would never blog about? I would never blog about sex or anything on that subject. I am shy about that subject and I barely ever even want to show my nipples on my blogs so talking about it would probably just make me superbly nervous. I would never talk about building or scripting because I don’t know how to, and a few other topics that I am too lazy to type.
  11. What is the theme/topic of your blog? Well, our blog is called Donewivatwist for a reason, we don’t just want to be known for our fashion, but also for awesome sims, baby things since I am a mom of a Zooby baby, and other things. But if I did have to narrow it down, it would mostly be about fashion…and Skyla’s boobs lol.
  12. Do you have more than one blog? If so, why? I do, I have one on tumblr for my funny gifs but I really wouldn’t consider it a blog, more like add ons.
  13. What have you found to be the benefits of blogging? It has helped me become better at photography then I ever was. I learned that not all fashion needs to stay within the safe lines, and most importantly, I have made some wonderful friends along the way. If it were not for blogging, I would have quit SL last year.
  14. So, why do you continue to blog? Blogging gives me a sense of completion in a sense. Like for every blog I finish, I finish it with pride. I can spend hours on a blog until I feel it is good enough to publish. I blog for great people who understand me and I appreciate them more everyday for giving me the chance to not be perfect but to bring out their products as best to my ability. I don’t see myself quitting anytime soon with blogging, it keeps me well driven.-Saxxy

4 responses

  1. lol your boobs, my ass. I think we all have a specific part of the anatomy we’re in love with!

    1. My Partner in Crime Skyla loves her boobs lol I love my ass but I don’t like to flaunt body parts cause Im shy even through my avatar lol.-Saxx

  2. Absolutely agree with what you said in #14, it gives a sense of completion, it really does make me proud and boosts my confidence. Funny how our blogs can do so much for us? Thanks for participating. ❤

    1. Thank you so much for reading :)-Sax

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