Tag Archives: Modest

My Little Bento Box

My Bento Box

Hai all! Another late night post since SL was being an ass for the majority of the day. Gonna make this quite short cause I don’t really have much to say today and I have to be up early. My little one is taking school pictures and I am making sure he is nice and prepped for them hehe. More cute stuffage from the Cotton Candy Hunt and tanks from Delirium Style. I apologize for my consistent use of collages but it shows the products off better 🙂

❤ Saxxy

Hair: Mizuki in Blacks-Argrace

Eyes: Promise Eyes in Chocolate-Ikon

Makeup: Kool Aid Lipstick in Pink Lemonade & Mascara Clumper Eyelashes-Pink Acid for TCCH(starts May 4)

Black Eyeliner Series 5-MONS

Kat Brows in Ebony-Soiree

Accessories: Mustache Poptart Pink Icing Ring-Rotten Defiance

Bento Box in Bubblegum-{Poptart}

Slurpee PacPac( it’s so frickin cute!)-Modest for TCCH

Clothing: Dani Tank(comes with Top)-Delirium Style

Candy Jeans-Twinkle for TCCH

Shoes: Pigalle High Pumps in Chrome-Le Primitif