Tag Archives: Dust Bunnys

Still Home

Hello all! A scoot away from clothing today, Hope you like the pic, it kinda comes with a small backstory i made up as taking it, so Fred  & Sarah use to live in this house when alive, and basically even now as ghosts they keep it nice, and put out the decorations for each hoilday! haha not a very long story but cute maybe? lol

These are items from the 5L Terror-iffic Hunt! (Start Location)

Floatie Ghosties ( Dead Fred & Sweet Sarah) – Yumyums

Wicked mat (comes with 2 versions, Welcome & Go away) – Tea.s

Pumpkin cats – Dust Bunnys

All other furniture is part of the Done wiv a Twist Estate Sim, but if you wanna know please just ask and i will tell you (Most is Saxx’s lol)


Still Home